Wednesday, March 12, 2008

From the "Your Career is Over" File...

After complaining of a nagging case of hemorroids, it has been made public that Kaz Matsui will be out 4-5 days with a condition known as "Anal Fissures"

God Damn.

This seems to be like an injury that Mike Piazza would have, but Kaz Matsui...this shit is just too gross. On one hand, this is the funniest sports injury since Manny Ramirez's "intestinal turmoil" last summer. How the hell can you let your team get this kind of info to the public. You know someone like Bill Belichick would call this a "lower body injury". Why go there Astros? You're only inviting unneeded criticism from fans this year. You already have a Mitchell report survivor on your team, why this?

Oh yea, No Homo

LOL at the Houston ASStros

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