And the world shook from its core, fire and brimstone rained down upon the heathens that would dare slide hard into second base, punishing those who dont "play the game right"
From the way this "brawl" is being covered, you would think that A Rod brought out Rocco Baldellis sister and banged her on the mound. Duncan slid hard into second, yes, but was it really that bad? Clearly some of the Rays, which is kiling me to type, took offense to Duncan, racing all the way to him before giving him a shove and yelling.
Bench clearing brawl? Please.
Simply another media creation like 911, Spygate, and Global Warming.
I know the DEVIL Rays have balls. Remember the fight against the Red Sox a few years ago involving Pedro? That was a bench clearing brawl, not this heightened conversation between two teams full of prospects.
Lets wait till this season when one of their pitchers inevitably hits A-Rod, only to get retaliation later on in the inning. Except if Mike Mussina is on the mound.
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