Turns out it isnt just Ron Jaworski having to refute reports.
A few hours after posting a report online suggesting Barry Bonds failed a steroid test in 2001, E!SPN posted a correction on its website, chalking up the error to a "typo" by a federal official. Apparantly, the failed test in question is the September 2000 test that everybody already knew about.
This makes me ask a few questions about the reporting of this test. Why didnt E!SPN factcheck and find out what test they were referring to? Why post misleading information on your website and network before all the facts are on the table? The answer lies in E!SPN's everlasting quest to be "The Worldwide Leader In Sports". Being the first to report another Bonds positive test only proves that point and pads their already bloated ego.
While the information leak isnt E!SPN's fault, it surely seems that they were too quick to pull the trigger on a quick news story. Stick to the best highlight ever and trying to find something to do until next football season.
Hey, I heard Tony Romo is on vacation, quick Ron Jaworski...to the batmobile
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